Friday 6 March 2015

Ethic and Racial Stereotype | 'Green Street Hooligans'

Green Street Hooligans is a film based off the average British male group that are strong supporters of their local football team and tend to act violently towards their opponents. This is a stereotype, as the men involved are all working class. This is proven through their mannerisms, their look and what they're spending their time doing - which is drinking at the pub and watching a football game. Also, there is no black people involved within the main character sequence, which is odd as the communities within East London are generally diverse.

This scene in Men In Black 3 portraits a classic racial diversity, as the actor Will Smith was suspected of stealing a car in the 1960s, simply because he was black. In this time, racism was a lot more of an issue than today, and this is shown through the carelessness of the white policemen, obstructing the rights of the black man without having any proof of the crime they thought he committed.

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