Friday 3 October 2014

Different Types Of Media

AS Media 


This is an incident within the working class people. This has a negative representation as the story leaves the reader scarred by the images, as well as upset for the victim. Not only this, but the newspaper which published this article (The Mirror) generally composes stories around the working class issues. This is because the general audience (working class) are more suited to read less technical articles, and take more interest in the 'working class' issues, as opposed to alternate events. The images that are used in this article are extremely graphic, and generally puts off the impression that 'rough' people will want to read about this, as it is more to their interest as opposed to other issues (i.e politics). 'Yobs' are stereotyped as the Underclass. However, the victim in this issue is shown as in a positive light, as he is referred to as a 'Good Samaritan'.

TV Show:

The Big Bang Theory's cast originally consisted of 4 male characters and 1 female. This has potential connotations for appearing 'sexist', as the program is predominantly dominated by males. However, there are little negative representations as the genre of TBBT is comedy. The program is aired on E4, along with minor showings on More4. The image I have chosen (above) shows the female at the front of the image, as if she's more important than the others. Character-wise, each character is equally important/dominated in the show, although the scenes are set around 3 of the main characters' apartments. The producers have tried to present a diverse group of people in terms of ethnicity and interest/general character personality.


The film 'Still Mine' is about an old man who is determined to build a house for his wife. Of course, age is an issue in this circumstance as with being old, he finds tasks more difficult than he used to. The producers have tried to make come across that age isn't an issue over love. Age is presented here as a minor issue, and could almost encourage older people watching the film to mind less about their age, and focus on the positive aspects of their lives. The representation is positive, as the general atmosphere of the film is positive.


Two Brokes Girls is a TV show aired on E4 about the life of 2 friends who work together in a restaurant. There are racist connotations, for example there is a small asian manager who consistently works hard, having to motivate the 'young, dumb blonde' waitress. The atmosphere in this show is very split as their are 2 main character aspects throughout: the non-working and the hard working. In this case, the 2 main characters (above) end up doing little to no work by the end of the series. Initially, the

Textual Analysis | George Ezra - Blame It on Me


The entire video is shot outside, with all natural lighting, This means that no external light source has been used. The general tones of the lighting are positive, as the weather outside is sunny. Despite the negativity that is occurring in the video, the weather stays sunny. However, there is one scene where it's raining specifically over him. This could imply that everything at the time is going wrong, as rain indicates sadness. 


The scene of this music video shows a man's journey in which a selection of things occur, with the vast majority being negative. For example, his guitar gets ran over by a car. I think that the director is trying to make a point that everything is going wrong, yet the atmosphere around him stays the same. In regards to the location, the video was shot in what appeared to be a rugged, run-down town with little inhabitants. There are different types of people that show up throughout, such as an entire rugby team; this is what makes the music video unique. 


There are a few sounds added to this music video, such as gun shots towards the end of the video. These are all diegetic sounds which the character will be able to hear. The non diegetic sound in this song is the backing music - only we as the audience can hear this. It has been added over the video, as he is only miming. The actual backing music is fairly soft-tone, with the main instrument being an acoustic guitar. There is also a light drum beat with a guitar riff over the top of the chords. 


The camera angles in this video vary. Although most of the angles are either at eye-level or just below, the director has creatively used the camera angles to an advantage of effectiveness. For example, at (0:54), some form of 'feces' falls on George. The camera angle is as if it's following the feces as it falls. This could be referred to as a camera track. A camera track is where the focus point is followed by the camera. Having the camera angle at eye level is effective because it appears as if we're there, in the scene (on the same level as the character). 


The video set contains little surroundings, with simple run down houses. The fine-detailing is used for when each different person/group of people enters. Each 'event' stands out because of how original, and out of place they all are. In regards to costume, George Ezra's clothes are normal, as if he was simply going outside. 

Colour Connotations 

There's no connotations between his dress-wear and the fact that he's going on an adventure. The colour connotations with his clothing is clean, and 'fresh' in terms of colours tones. His shirt is a light blue colour, which can relate to feeling bright, and happy. Because of what he's wearing, we can infer that George is middle class.